How We Can Help Child Behavioral Issues

Your pediatricians in Falls Church, VA, can help you and your child

Your child’s behavior can be complicated. After all, how do you know what’s normal behavior, and what might be the beginning of behavioral issues? Fortunately, your pediatrician can help you know the facts about signs, symptoms, and treatment of behavioral issues. Here at Sacoto Pediatrics in Falls Church, VA, Dr. Maria Sacoto can help your child stay healthy and happy by helping you discover these issues.

More about child behavioral issues

Defiance, acting out, and withdrawing can all be normal signs of development and testing boundaries. So, how do you know if your child has behavioral issues? There are some definite signs and symptoms to look out for, including:

  • Having difficulty making friends and getting along with others
  • Having trouble with authority figures including teachers
  • Threatening or harming themselves, other children, or pets
  • Generally being unhappy and depressed
  • Feeling anxious about social activities and school
  • Willfully damaging or destroying things
  • Frequently lying, stealing, or arguing
  • Skipping school or doing poorly in school
  • Early use of tobacco, drinking, or using drugs

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is another common behavioral issue that can have serious consequences and can cause learning problems, social dysfunction, and more. Your child may have ADHD if he or she:

  • Talks or squirms excessively
  • Frequently loses or forgets things
  • Has great difficulty focusing and completing tasks
  • Daydreams frequently and can’t concentrate
  • Shows carelessness and often makes mistakes

During a consultation at Sacoto Pediatrics, our pediatrician can perform a thorough evaluation to help determine specific behavioral difficulties affecting your child. Medication and counseling are often considered as a first line of treatment for some behavioral issues. Your pediatricians can also refer your child to a specialist if necessary.

Give us a call

Your child deserves a happy, well-adjusted life that is free of behavioral difficulties, and your pediatricians can help. Call Dr. Maria Sacoto of Sacoto Pediatrics in Falls Church, VA, today by dialing (703) 820-1951.

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